Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dorm Life 101

As this year is coming to end, I am reminded of all of the wonderful memories I have had while living in the dorms. I will admit it, I was skeptical at first about living in the dorms. I mean would you blame me... who wants to live in a box for a year with some random person, and share a bathroom with 30 other girls.. Uhhh NOT ME, that is for sure. However I was pleasantly surprised when I met my now current roommate. It was amazing how fast we clicked. She has been there for me through the thick and the thin this entire school year. I am so thankful I had such a wonderful roommate. Living in the dorms was an experience I will never forget. I have met so many new people, including a girl who I now consider one of my best friends. There was of course the dorm romance as well. My floor has become my second family; helping me with homework, friend problems, and boy drama. This was an experience I wouldn't change for anything. I am so glad I decided to live in the dorms and I highly encourage everyone to try it as well.

The boys down the hall from me duck taped me to my ladder one night during finals because they were bored. 
Me and my roommate Laura in matching sweatshirts. 
My roommate and I laughing and watching TV.
My roommate and I. 

12 Things I Wish I Knew Before Living In The Dorms
  1. Invest in a good robe, preferably a cute one. Because there is nothing worse than walking back to your room with just a towel on, and a cute boy walks by, gives you a weird look,  and getting back to your room realizing your towel wasn't covering your entire body.... yup this happened to me... more than once might I add.
  2. Be creative with ways to organize. Go to the Container Store, they will assist you and make sure you get everything you need.
  3. Clorox Disinfecting Wipes will become your new BFF. I use them to clean everything! 
  4. Buy a Swiffer Duster. I promise you will get more use out of it than your new bikini you bought for summer.
  5. You do not need as many clothes as you think you do. I in high school, never wore the same outfit twice. However college changed that in me. Now I only wear yoga pants and sweatshirts. Dressing up seems like a chore; too much effort. 
  6. Buy BLACK garbage bags from Costco. Black garbage bags are not see through, therefore you can take out anything you don't want public. 
  7. Bring a door stop, to keep your door open. This is how you meet people and how to make friends. 
  8. Go to Target and buy a $9.99 quiet fan to keep your room cool during the warm months. Dorms do not have air conditioning. 
  9. Invest in good speakers, so you can be better than everyone else on the floor. This will also ensure that  you will have the friendly room, and everyone will want to come hang out with you. 
  10. Do not invest in an expensive rug for your dorm room because it will get ruined.
  11. Go to the dollar store and buy utensils, plates and bowls. There will be plenty of times when you want a late night snack.
  12. Lastly, save money, you are going to need it. 

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